Thursday, September 21, 2006
Tie Domi press conference
I watched the Tie Domi press conference or should I say I saw hilights of it on our various all-sports stations and I read about it in both our daily papers here in Ottawa. I enjoyed the coverage and although I don't know Tie personally I have met him a few times and I privately saluted him for the longevity of his career especially doing what he did night in and night out. Very few enforcers play over the 1000 game mark and very few were as colourful and controversial as Domi was throughout his career. Granted he was given a media send off more appropriate for the superstars of our day however both the print and electronic media must have felt it was needed as they all attended.
As I understand it Sportsnet only aired its coverage in Ontario. TSN who is poised to be Domi's new employer gave it national coverage as did The Score and as mentioned the daily's. Reaction from the 'left winger's' in the media however was much more entertaining. So Tie Domi got a press conference. Who cares? Why would any of you give a damn that he received an additional fifteen minutes of fame due primarily to his popularity? Watching Darren Millard on the simulcast Sportsnet/FAN 590 show was down right comical. The guy was bursting a blood vessel. Relax bud. I don't think he personally ever took any money out of your pocket or insulted you or your loved ones. Holy liftin', the way some of our so called media hacks whine and cry over various antics of athletes makes one wonder where the line is between broadcast journalism and abject partisan reaction.
Tie Domi should have been thrown a parade after hammering Ulf Sammuelsson. His bouts with Bob Probert in the early nineties were extremely entertaining and I'll bet you if you talked to the overwhelming majority of his teammates since he broke into the NHL many more were happy to have him a part of their team than did not. In fact unlike many in his trade he almost always played regularly in the playoffs as witnessed by his more than 100 playoff games in the NHL. Shaddup ya bunch of cryin' whining babies and go hug another tree.
Liam Maguire
As I understand it Sportsnet only aired its coverage in Ontario. TSN who is poised to be Domi's new employer gave it national coverage as did The Score and as mentioned the daily's. Reaction from the 'left winger's' in the media however was much more entertaining. So Tie Domi got a press conference. Who cares? Why would any of you give a damn that he received an additional fifteen minutes of fame due primarily to his popularity? Watching Darren Millard on the simulcast Sportsnet/FAN 590 show was down right comical. The guy was bursting a blood vessel. Relax bud. I don't think he personally ever took any money out of your pocket or insulted you or your loved ones. Holy liftin', the way some of our so called media hacks whine and cry over various antics of athletes makes one wonder where the line is between broadcast journalism and abject partisan reaction.
Tie Domi should have been thrown a parade after hammering Ulf Sammuelsson. His bouts with Bob Probert in the early nineties were extremely entertaining and I'll bet you if you talked to the overwhelming majority of his teammates since he broke into the NHL many more were happy to have him a part of their team than did not. In fact unlike many in his trade he almost always played regularly in the playoffs as witnessed by his more than 100 playoff games in the NHL. Shaddup ya bunch of cryin' whining babies and go hug another tree.
Liam Maguire